9. Further Information

Here are some other resources available on the internet

9.1. News groups

Some of the most interesting news groups are:

Also check out your country newsgroups e.g ch.comp.os.linux

Most newsgroups have their own FAQ that are designed to answer most of your questions, as the name Frequently Asked Questions indicate. Fresh versions should be posted regularly to the relevant newsgroups. If you cannot find it in your news spool you could go directly to the FAQ main archive FTP site. The WWW versions can be browsed at the FAQ main archive WWW site.

9.2. Mailing Lists


Send an empty email to

Before writing to the list, check out the archive: http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=apache-httpd-users


Send an mail to with the content (not subject):

   subscribe modperl

Before writing to the list, check out the archive: http://outside.organic.com/mail-archives/modperl/


Send an mail to with the content (not subject):

   subscribe openssl-users

Before writing to the list, check out the archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/openssl-users@openssl.org/


Send an mail to with the content (not subject):

   subscribe modssl-users

Before writing to the list, check out the archive: http://www.mail-archive.com/modssl-users@modssl.org/


Send an empty mail to

Before writing to the list, check out the archive: http://lists.mysql.com/cgi-ez/ezmlm-cgi/


Fill out the subscription form at http://developer.postgresql.org/mailsub.php

Before writing to the list, check out the archive: http://archives.postgresql.org/pgsql-general/


Fill out the subscription form at http://www.php.net/mailing-lists.php

There are several php related mailinglist to subscribe, some of them are also available on php.net's newsserver

Before writing to the list, check out the archive that are linked also on the subscription-page


Send an mail to with the content (not subject):


9.3. HOWTO

These are intended as the primary starting points to get the background information. They also show you how to solve a specific problem. Some relevant HOWTOs are

Apache-Overview-HOWTO , Apache-WebDAV-LDAP-HOWTO , LDAP-HOWTO , LDAP-Implementation-HOWTO and the PHP-HOWTO

The main site for these is the LDP archive

9.4. Local Resources

Usually distributions install some documentation on your system. Usually they are located in /usr/share/doc/packages or /usr/local/share/doc

The software products mentioned here provide a lot of documentation in their source-directories. Apache does install its documentation in the default DocumentRoot /usr/local/apache/htdocs/manual

9.5. Web Sites

There are a large number of informative web sites available. By their very nature they change quickly, so do not be surprised if these links become outdated very fast.

A good starting point is of course the Linux Documentation Project home page, a central information repository for documentation, project pages and much more.

To get more information about the Software mentioned in this document, then the following sites are good starting points.

Please let me know if you have any other leads that can be of interest.

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