2. The highest and lowest BogoMips ratings
The following are the highest and the lowest BogoMips ratings, as reported directly to me, or published on Usenet.
2.1. The highest single-CPU Linux boot sequence BogoMips value
Michael Weiner, weinert@sys2.de
Intel Xeon, at 3400 MHz
6800.58 BogoMips
2.2. The lowest Linux boot sequence BogoMips value
Tim Van der Linden, timvdl@innet.be
Intel 8088, at 4.77 MHz, ELKS
0.02 BogoMips
2.3. The highest dual core (SMP2, hypertreading) BogoMips value
Brian Wheeler bdwheele@indiana.edu
Hyperthreaded dual Xeon at 3060 MHz
24379.39 BogoMips