Building a Secure RedHat Apache Server HOWTO
Richard Sigle,
0.1, 2001-02-06
The guide is designed to explain how PKI and SSL work together. It is essential to understand how the SSL protocol works to successfully deploy a secure server.
1. Purpose/Scope of this Guide
- 1.1 About Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
- 1.2 FeedBack
- 1.3 Copyrights and Trademarks
- 1.4 Acknowledgements and Thanks
2. Introduction to Secure Sockets Layer/Private Key Infrastructure
- 2.1 Responsibilities of SSL/PKI
- 2.2 How SSL Works
- 2.3 How PKI Works
- 2.4 Certificates(x509 Standard)
- 2.5 Digital Certificate Private Key
- 2.6 Digital Certificate Public Key
- 2.7 Certificate Signing Request(CSR)
3. Working with Certificates
- 3.1 Create a Private Key
- 3.2 Create a Certificate Signing Request
- 3.3 Creating a Self-Signed Certificate
- 3.4 Installing your Web Server Certificate
4. Configuring your Apache Server
5. Troubleshooting
- 5.1 Server Appears to start, but you cannot access the secure site
- 5.2 Certificate Name Check Warning is issued by the client's browser
- 5.3 Certificate was Signed by an Untrusted Certificate Authority Warning
- 5.4 SSLEngine on is an un-recognized command (when starting Apache)
- 5.5 You have forgotten your "PEM Passphrase" and you would like to know
6. Glossary
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