7. Credits
The following people have contributed to the success of this document.
- Craig Lyons Craig.Lyons@compaq.com
- Robert Vollmert rvollmer@gmx.net
- Larry Brasfield larrybr@seanet.com
- Etienne Grossmann etienne@anonimo.isr.ist.utl.pt
- Thomas Weinell kf6mli@amsat.org
- Adam C. Finnefrock adam@bigbro.biophys.cornell.edu
- Chris Gray cgray4@po-box.mcgill.ca
- Robert J. Chassell bob@rattlesnake.com
- Isaac To kkto@csis.hku.hk
- Matteo Valsasna valsasna@elet.polimi.it
- Tijs van Bakel smoke@casema.net
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