1. Introduction
1.1. Copyright Information
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license can be found in Appendix A.
1.3. New Versions
The latest version number of this document should always be listed on the projects homepage hosted by yukidoke.org.
The newest version of this HOWTO will always be made available at the same website, in a variety of formats:
1.4. Credits
In this version I have the pleasure of acknowledging:
Karl Fogel, the author of Open Source Development with CVS published by the Coriolis Open Press. Large parts of his book are available on the web. 225 pages of the book are available under the GPL and constitute the best tutorial on CVS I've ever seen. The rest of the book covers, "the challenges and philosophical issues inherent in running an Open Source project using CVS." The book does a good job of covering some of the subjects brought up in this HOWTO and much more. The book's website has information on ordering the book and provides several translations of the chapters on CVS. If you are seriously interested in running a Free Software project, you want this book. I tried to mention Fogel in sections of this HOWTO where I knew I was borrowing directly from his ideas. If I missed any, I'm sorry. I'll try and have those fixed in future versions.
Karl Fogel can be reached at <kfogel (at) red-bean (dot) com>
Also providing support material, and inspiration for this HOWTO is Eric S. Raymond for his prolific, consistent, and carefully crafted arguments and Lawrence Lessig for reminding me of the importance of Free Software. Additionally, I want to thank every user and developer involved with the Debian Project. The project has provided me with a home, a place to practice free software advocacy, a place to make a difference, a place to learn from those who have been involved with the movement much longer than I, and proof of a free software project that definitely, definitely works.
Above all, I want to thank Richard Stallman for his work at the Free Software Foundation and for never giving up. Stallman provides and articulates the philosophical basis that attracts me to free software and that drives me toward writing a document to make sure it succeeds. RMS can always be emailed at <rms (at) gnu (dot) org>.
1.5. Feedback
Feedback is always and most certainly welcome for this document. Without your submissions and input, this document wouldn't exist. Do you feel that something is missing? Don't hesitate to contact me to have me write a chapter, section, or subsection or to write one yourself. I want this document to be a product of the Free Software development process that it heralds and I believe that its ultimate success will be rooted in its ability to do this. Please send your additions, comments, and criticisms to the following email address: <mako@debian.org>.
1.6. Translations
I've been contacted by a reader who promises a translation into Korean. However, this HOWTO is still young and other than the promise of Korean, English is all that is currently available. If you would like to help with or do a translation, you will gain my utmost respect and admiration and you'll get to be part of a cool process. If you are at all interested, please don't hesitate to contact me at: <mako@debian.org>.