1.4. Analyzis and Logbook
1.4.1. Airlog
Airlog is a flight logging system designed to meet the unique needs of glider pilots and students. The Java based client allows multiple users to access a common database (interface drivers are provided for the Instant DB, PostgreSQL, and Oracle database systems). Referential integrity is used to insure valid data. When multi user functionality is enabled, user access to the common database is authenticated using a login, password form that is presented at startup.
Airlog also supports searches of the common database, as well as a report generation capability. The "Training Barometer" and "Speed Input" reports are designed to assist both instructors and students in the training process. A "Fit for Flight, Instruction" report is planned for a future release.
Airlog was developed in Denmark with an emphasis on Danish regulations, but was localized from the ground up. Other languages can be supported by simply providing a "message text catalog" for the desired language (catalogs are provided for both Danish and English).
Ken Andersen <kentan@get2net.dk>
Frederik Hansen <roirex@users.sourceforge.net>
Steve Brown <delancie@users.sourceforge.net>
Latest release: alpha-0.53-2, 2000/11/25
Copyright: GPL
Home Page: http://airlog.sourceforge.net/