5. Booting from Grub floppy disk

The next step is to make a boot floppy disk using Grub. GNU Grub is the GRand Unified Bootloader. It can handle BOOTP and TFTP, so it can boot from network.

5.2. Compiling Grub with network support

To compile Grub, first download the source tarball from the Grub web site and unpack it. Run configure specifying the menu file you just created and the network interface card model. Run make as usual.

# tar xzf grub-0.92.tar.gz
# cd grub-0.92
# ./configure --enable-preset-menu=../grub.conf --enable-3c90x
# make

Again, where you see 3c90x put the model of your network interface card. First check if it is supported by Grub.

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