8. Other Helpful Information
The following is a list of additional information that may be helpful, but is not necessarily targeting a specific disability:
The CMU Sphinx Group Source has released a set of reasonably mature, speech components that provide a basic level of technology to anyone interested in creating speech enabled applications. More information is available at: http://fife.speech.cs.cmu.edu/sphinx/.
Access to Linux documentation is critical to learning and using Linux. The Linux Documentation Project has links to many Linux HOWTOs, mini HOWTOs, and guides, as well as information on becoming involved in authoring new HOWTOs. More information and downloads are available at: http://www.linuxdoc.org.
RPMFind.net provides rpm downloads for Linux applications on most Linux operating systems. The site is located at:http://www.rpmfind.net.
Sourceforge provides updated information, documentation, and software for Linux. Some of the applications available are under development. More information and downloads are available at: http://www.sourceforge.net.
The Trace Center provides accessibility information and software for the Linux operating system. More information is available at: http://trace.wisc.edu/worl/computer_access/ and the Linux Accessibility Resource Site (LARS) http://trace.wisc.edu/linux/.
W3C Web Accessibility initiative provides information and links on Web site accessibility. More information is available at: .