3. About the Document and the Authors
3.1. Miscellaneous
If I didn't provide an URL for a program or a package, you may get it from Debian or as a RPM package, from your favorite RPM server, for instance rpmfind.
Some parts are modified chapters from my Linux-Mobile-Guide and my InfraRed-HOWTO.
The document is included in the LINUX DOCUMENTATION PROJECT.
The latest version of this document is available at Computers and Ecology .
A summary presentation about this HOWTO has been contributed by Michael Opdenacker from Free Electrons, which also has made many contributions to this document itself.
Since Wade Hampton provided a great amount of information included into this text I consider him as a co-author. Though all responsibility for any mistakes is taken by me.
Please feel free to contact me for comments or questions about the HOWTO. I know this material is not finished or perfect, but I hope you find it useful anyway.
Werner Heuser <wehe[AT]tuxmobil.org>
3.2. Translations
Jun Morimoto <morimoto at xantia.citroen.org> has written the translation into Japanese.
A translation into Chinese(Big5 code) is proposed by Richie Gan. It is part of the Chinese Linux Document Project. You may contact CLDP coordinator <cwhuang at linux.org.tw> to reach him.
Victor Solymossy <victor at lig.dq.ufscar.br> proposed a translation into Portuguese.