3. Community

3.1. News

3.1.1. LinuxMedNews

LinuxMedNews is the unofficial news site for Linux and medical projects. LinuxMedNews.org is designed to facilitate announcements and sharing, of information related to open source applications and how they are advancing the efforts of medicine worldwide. LinuxMedNews is published using Squishdot and Zope for its news and project collection. LinuxMedNews is intended to be an interesting and fun resource for anyone with an interest in health care and open source.

3.1.2. The Spirit Project

The Spirit Project is a multilingual source of open-source software that makes this document just pale in comparison. Well designed, too big for me go over in detail, but seems to be another good source for software development and group news.

3.2. Organizations

3.2.1. American Medical Informatics Association

AMIA is an association supporting the technology and informatics for the medical community. AMIA sponsors an Open Source Working Group. The OS-WG has providers, clinics, hospitals, hardware manufacturers and researchers worldwide giving a broad perspective for the technology needs and uses within medicine. AMIA does require a subscription, however AMIA offers an associate membership for $30 for one year. At this membership level, you can join one working group and its mailing list.

3.3. Mailing Lists

3.3.1. OpenHealth

OpenHealth is a company owned mailing list for community discussion of issues related to open source software development for medical projects. This is one of the largest and most popular lists for discussion of topics related to science and medicine and has an international population. In late 2003 and early 2004 there were problems with users trying to joing the list. Minoru Development, the owner of the OpenHealth List, is working with Bud Bruegger to improve administrative issues, and since Bud has assumed the administrative role, joining the list or resolving list issues is typically resolved in one to two days. Join the mailing list by going Here. Minoru Development also has a Link to a list of other open-source application projects.

3.3.2. Open Source Health Care Alliance

Open Source Health Care Alliance (OSHCA) is a collaborative forum to promote and facilitate open source software in human and veterinary health care. At the OSCHA web site most of the information is stale, and there is a direction to the OpenHealth mailing list.

3.4. IRC

3.4.1. IRC #openmed

An IRC channel, #openmed, has been set up on irc.openprojects.net. To learn more about IRC, click Here. To learn more about Openprojects.net, click Here.

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