4. References and FTP sites
4.1 Other documents of relevance
The HOWTOs ought to be available from all mirrors of sunsite.unc.edu
The Linux Danish/International HOWTO by Niels Kristian Bech Jensen
The Linux Cyrillic HOWTO by Alexander L. Belikoff
The Keystroke mini-HOWTO by Zenon Fortuna.
The Locales mini-HOWTO by Peeter Joot. (This one is mainly for developers.)
The ISO-8859-1 FAQ and Programming for Internationalization FAQ (plus much more) by Michael Gschwind is available from his homepage.
4.2 Thai related stuffs
" NACSIS R& D Thai Project Page " , http://thaigate.nacsis.ac.jp
- Information about Thai computing.
- Discussion groups in Thai language, such as thai-l (Thai Mailing list), Thai news, etc.
- Thai references and Thai softwares.
- Thai Latex filter.
" ZzzThai Project " , http://www.fedu.uec.ac.jp
- Most softwares and Thai fonts introduced here can download from ZzzThai.
- Describe how to use Thai with 3 main computer platforms, UNIX like, Windows and Mac.
- Linux information at http://www.fedu.uec.ac.jp/ZzzThai/Linux, TE, Thai LaTeX tutorial, etc.
- By The group of students at The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo.
" Vuthichai's Page " , http://www.ctrl.titech.ac.jp:80/~vuthi/
- Information about Thai computing by Mr. Vuthichai Ampornaramveth.
" An annotated reference to the Thai implementations " , http://www.inet.co.th/cyberclub/trin/thairef/
- Information about Thai character standard.
- By Mr.Trin Tantsetthi.
" X window and Thai language " , http://members.xoom.com.cwg.x11th/
- By Mr.Rawat S.Pirom
" SchoolNet Internet Sever " , http://www.school.net.th/linux-sis/
- Using Linux in School, Thailand.
- By NECTEC (National Electronics and Computer Technology Center).
" Thai Open Source Development " , http://members.xoom.com/inThai
- Mozilla Thai enabling.
- Open source Thai softwares and Libraries.
- By Mr.Samphan Raruenrom
" Linux Thai Project " , http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/8302
- Information about Linux in Thai language.
- By Kaiwal Development Team.
" ThaiLinux unofficial Webboard " , http://lulu.mptc.eng.cmu.ac.th/HyperNews/get/ThaiLinux.html
- Questions and answers about Linux in Thai language.
- By Mr.Pruet Boonma
" Thai Linux installation project " , http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Bay/4521/
- Installation guide in Thai language
4.3 FTP and Web sites
Most softwares and Thai fonts which introdued in this howto.
- ftp://ftp.fedu.uec.ac.jp/pub/thai/UEC/ZzzThai/Software/Linux
- http://thaigate.nacsis.ac.jp/files/index.html
- http://www.nectec.or.th/pub/software/i18n/thai
SunSite and mirrors.
has the above mentioned HOWTOs. utils/nls
subdirectories contain files related to National Language Support.
Developers should take a look at locale-tutorial-0.8.txt.gz
and cat-pack.tar.gz
The GNU archives has the
package for character table conversion, the ABOUT-NLS
and the gettext
package for locale support of some GNU applications and
(of course) the latest versions of GNU emacs.
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