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8. Conclusion

VMELinux and the other Linux on VME efforts offer the user a low cost way to implement a VMEbus system quickly, reliably and with all the advantages of a unix environment. We are using VMELinux in our projects. Our task list includes:

  • Porting to other brands of Intel VMEbus boards,
  • Porting of VMELinux to other processors that use the Universe chip,
  • Creation of various slave board drivers for use by all VMELinux users,
  • A study of running the VMELinux kernel driver module as a RT-Linux task.

This document outlines the steps you need to install the VMELinux Kernel Driver into the example Xycom XVME-655 Pentium VME board. It is our hope that others will attempt installation of VMELinux into other boards and let us know their success.

This method of code development works best when the users tell us of their successes and describe the equipment used. Please, please drop a note to the VMELinux Mail List and share your experience with others.

Send bug reports and feature requrests to the VMELinux Project Bug Tracker. If you have a question or an update to this document send email to John.

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