Linux VPN Masquerade HOWTO
John D. Hardin
$Revision: 2.19 $ $Date: 2000-10-22 12:07:43-07 $
How to configure a Linux firewall to masquerade IPsec- and PPTP-based Virtual Private Network traffic, allowing you to establish a VPN connection without losing the security and flexibility of your Linux firewall's internet connection and allowing you to make available a VPN server that does not have a registered internet IP address. Brief information on configuring the VPN client and server is also given.
1. Introduction
2. Background Knowledge
- 2.1 What is a VPN?
- 2.2 What is IPsec?
- 2.3 What is PPTP?
- 2.4 What is FWZ?
- 2.5 Why masquerade a VPN client?
- 2.6 Can several clients on my local network use IPsec simultaneously?
- 2.7 Can several clients on my local network use PPTP simultaneously?
- 2.8 Can I access the remote network from my entire local network?
- 2.9 Why masquerade the VPN server?
- 2.10 Why patch the Linux kernel?
- 2.11 Current Status
3. Configuring the Linux firewall
- 3.1 Example network
- 3.2 Determining what needs to be done on the firewall
- 3.3 Patching and configuring the 2.0.x kernel for VPN Masquerade support
- 3.4 Patching and configuring the 2.2.x kernel for VPN Masquerade support
- 3.5 ipfwadm setup for a Private-IP VPN Client or Server
- 3.6 ipchains setup for a Private-IP VPN Client or Server
- 3.7 A note about dynamic IP addressing
- 3.8 Additional setup for a Private-IP VPN Server
- 3.9 ipfwadm setup for a Registered-IP VPN Server
- 3.10 ipfwadm setup for a Registered-IP VPN Client
- 3.11 ipchains setup for a Registered-IP VPN Server
- 3.12 ipchains setup for a Registered-IP VPN Client
- 3.13 VPN Masq and LRP
- 3.14 VPN Masq on a system running FreeS/WAN or PoPToP
4. Configuring the VPN client
- 4.1 Configuring a MS W'95 client
- 4.2 Configuring a MS W'98 client
- 4.3 Configuring a MS W'ME client
- 4.4 Configuring a MS NT client
- 4.5 Configuring for network-to-network routing
- 4.6 Masquerading Checkpoint SecuRemote-based VPNs
5. Troubleshooting
- 5.1 Testing
- 5.2 Possible problems
- 5.3 Troubleshooting
- 5.4 MS PPTP Clients and domain-name issues
- 5.5 MS PPTP Clients and Novell IPX
- 5.6 MS network password issues
- 5.7 If your IPsec session always dies after a certain amount of time
- 5.8 If VPN masquerade fails to work after you reboot
- 5.9 If your second PPTP session kills your first session
6. IPsec masquerade technical notes and special security considerations
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