MP3 Player Box HOWTO
Konrad Rzeszutek
v1.1, 2001-04-19
This document describes how to build, configure, install, and use a custom MP3 player box. It lists the necessary hardware and answers a number of frequently asked questions.
1. Introduction
2. MP3 box
3. Necessary hardware
4. Server side software
5. Client side software
- 5.1 Linux kernel
- 5.2 Linux filesystem
- 5.3 Configuring NBP (Network Boot Program).
- 5.4 Configuring startup scripts.
- 5.5 Configuring the infrared receiver program.
6. Plexiglass box
7. Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
- 7.1 Can't compile the kernel. It says: "2nd: No such file or directory"
- 7.2 My remote doesn't work with ARCaMP
- 7.3 The Linux kernel can't mount the filesystem.
- 7.4 How do I bend plexiglass?
- 7.5 The system doesn't boot up after I take the video card out.
8. References
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