11. More information
The original documentation from where this document has been obtained can be found in the man pages from "mutt", "pgp", "pgp5", "gnupg", "procmail", in the respectives directories in /usr/doc and in the world wide web sites:
- Mutt Official Home Page - http://www.mutt.org
- GnuPG Main Page - http://www.gnupg.org
- PGP International Page - http://www.pgpi.com
- Procmail Official Home Page - http://www.procmail.org
The recommendations (request for comments, RFC) that are referenced in this document are:
- 1847 - Security Multiparts for MIME: Multipart/signed and Multipart/encripted
- 1848 - MIME Object Security Services
- 1991 - PGP Message Exchange Formats
- 2015 - MIME Security with Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
- 2440 - OpenPGP Message Format
and can be found in /usr/doc/doc-rfc and in various sites in the world wide web, like http://metalab.unc.edu and http://nic.mil. You can get information from RFCs in RFC-INFO@ISI.EDU
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