1. Introduction
1.2. Thanks
Logilab sponsored this HOWTO. Check their website for new versions of this document. I also thank the etherboot, netboot, plume and linux terminal server project developers and webmasters, who made it really possible to boot a Linux worstation over a network.
Very special thanks go to Ken Yap, member of the etherboot project, whose comments greatly helped to improve the quality of this document.
I also thank Jerome Warnier, main developer of the plume project, Pierre Mondi�, Kyle Bateman, Peter T. Breuer, Charles Howes, and Thomas Marteau for their comments and contributions.
1.3. Diskless booting advocacy
1.3.2. Advantages of diskless computers
1.4. Requirements
1.4.2. Software requirements
A BOOTP daemon (a DHCP daemon may also do fine, but I won't explain how to configure this), a NFS daemon (if you want to mount the root filesystem on a remote server), are also required. We will also need a TFTP daemon if you plan to load the kernel remotely. At last, the mknbi utility provided with the etherboot distribution, and, if you use LanWorks EPROMs, like those included in the 3c905 3com ethernet adapter, you will also need the imggen utility, available at http://www.ltsp.org/contrib/.
1.5. Acknowledgements and related documentation
There are many sources of information on network booting, but, and this is why I wrote this HOWTO, none describes all the existing ways of booting over a network, and much of them are specific to a way of operating. The most useful to me has been the documentation provided by the linux terminal server project, although I did not use the packages they recommend, and I have chosen to describe here how to proceed without these packages, because they configure things so that every application program is executed remotely on a server. Useful information can also be found on the etherboot project's homepage.
At last, you can also find useful but succinct information in the kernel's source tree, in /usr/src/linux/Documentation, assuming your kernel source tree resides in /usr/src/linux.
1.6. Feedback
I will highly appreciate any feedback about this document. Please feel free to mail me at <bbp@via.ecp.fr> if you have any comment, correction, or suggestion. You may also use <contact@logilab.fr>.