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5. Miscellaneous Quota Commands

5.1 Quotacheck

Quotacheck is used to scan a file system for disk usages, and updates the quota record file "aquota.user" to the most recent state. I recommend running quotacheck at system bootup, and via cronjob periodically (say, every week?).

5.2 Repquota

Repquota produces a summarized quota information for a file system. Here is a sample output repquota gives:

# repquota -a 
                                Block limits               File limits 
        User            used    soft    hard  grace    used  soft  hard  grace 
        root      --  175419       0       0          14679     0     0 
        bin       --   18000       0       0            735     0     0 
        uucp      --     729       0       0             23     0     0 
        man       --      57       0       0             10     0     0 
        user1     --   13046   15360   19200            806  1500  2250 
        user2     --    2838    5120    6400            377  1000  1500

5.3 Quotaon and Quotaoff

Quotaon is used to turn on quota accounting; quotaoff to turn it off. Actually both files are similar. They are executed at system startup and shutdown.

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