4. Revision History

Revision History
Revision 1.02004-09-08Revised by: TS
First public release.
Revision 0.182004-09-07Revised by: TS
Incorporated second language review from Tom Wright.
Revision 0.172004-09-06Revised by: TS
Incorporated language review from Tom Wright.
Revision 0.162004-08-13Revised by: TS
Incorporated third round of changes from Devdas Bhagat.
Revision 0.152004-08-04Revised by: TS
Incorporated second round of changes from technical review by Devdas Bhagat.
Revision 0.142004-08-01Revised by: TS
Incorporated technical review comments/corrections from Devdas Bhagat.
Revision 0.132004-08-01Revised by: TS
Incorporated technical review from Joost De Cock.
Revision 0.122004-07-27Revised by: TS
Replaced "A Note on Controversies" with a more opinionated "The Good, The Bad, the Ugly" section. Also rewrote text on DNS blocklists. Some corrections from Seymour J. Metz.
Revision 0.112004-07-19Revised by: TS
Incorporated comments from Rick Stewart on RMX++. Swapped order of "Techniques" and "Considerations". Minor typographic fixes in Exim implementation.
Revision 0.102004-07-16Revised by: TS
Added <?dbhtml..?> tags to control generated HTML filenames - should prevent broken links from google etc. Swapped order of "Forwarded Mail" and "User Settings". Correction from Tony Finch on Bayesian filters; commented out check for Subject:, Date:, and Message-ID: headers per Johannes Berg; processing time subtracted from SMTP delays per suggestion from Alan Flavell.
Revision 0.092004-07-13Revised by: TS
Elaborated on problems with envelope sender signatures and mailing list servers, and a scheme to make such signatures optional per host/domain for each user. Moved "Considerations" section out as a separate chapter; added subsections "Blocking Access to other SMTP Server", "User Settings" and "Forwarded Mail". Incorporated Matthew Byng-Maddick's comments on the mechanism used to generate these signatures, Chris Edwards' comments on sender callout verification, and Hadmut Danisch's comments on RMX++ and other topics. Changed license terms (GPL instead of GFDL).
Revision 0.082004-07-09Revised by: TS
Additional work on Exim implementation: Added section on per-user settings and data for SpamAssassin per suggestion from Tollef Fog Heen. Added SPF checks via Exiscan-ACL. Corrections from Sam Michaels.
Revision 0.072004-07-08Revised by: TS
Made corrections to the Exim Envelope Sender Signatures examples, and added support for users to "opt in" to this feature, per suggestion from Christian Balzer.
Revision 0.062004-07-08Revised by: TS
Incorporated Exim/MySQL greylisting implementation and various corrections from Johannes Berg. Moved "Sender Authorization Schemes" up two levels to become a top-level section in the Techniques chapter. Added greylisting for NULL empty envelope senders after DATA. Added SpamAssassin configuration to match Exim examples. Incorporated corrections from Dominik Ruff, Mark Valites, "Andrew" at Supernews.
Revision 0.052004-07-07Revised by: TS
Eliminated the (empty) Sendmail implementation for now, to move ahead with the final review process.
Revision 0.042004-07-06Revised by: TS
Reorganized layout a little: Combined "SMTP-Time Filtering", "Introduction to SMTP", and "Considerations" into a single "Background" chapter. Split the previous "Building ACLs" section in the Exim implementation into top-level sections. Added alternate sender authorization schemes to SPF: Microsoft Caller-ID for E-Mail and RMX++. Incorporated comments from Ken Raeburn.
Revision 0.032004-07-02Revised by: TS
Added discussion on Multiple Incoming Mail Exchangers; minor corrections related to Sender Callout Verification.
Revision 0.022004-06-30Revised by: TS
Added Exim implementation as an appendix
Revision 0.012004-06-16Revised by: TS
Initial draft.

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