4. Miscellaneous Notes

Thankfully, tcng does away with one of the minor annoyances of tc. The following table maps the syntax and convention of these tools with English equivalents.

Table 1. Speed/Rate syntax: tcng vs. tc

bpsbit(s) per secondbit
Bpsbyte(s) per secondbps (argh!)
kbpskilobit(s) per secondkbit
kBpskilobyte(s) per secondkbps
Mbpsmegabit(s) per secondmbit or Mbit
MBpsmegabyte(s) per secondmbps or Mbps
ppspacket per second??

Note that this means a slight adjustment for longtime users of tc, but a much better choice for intuitive usablity for English speakers.

For example, we can use conventional expressions of rate in tcng configurations: 100Mbps, 128kbps, and even 2Gpps. See also the tcng manual on units.

In order for traffic control to be effective, it is important to understand where the bottlenecks are. In most cases, you'll want to perform the traffic control at or near the bottleneck.

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