15. Wrapping up

15.1. Acknowledgements

This HOWTO is a by-product of many years of experience setting up and managing Usenet news servers. We have learned a lot from those who have trod the path ahead of us. Some of them include the team of the ERNET Project (Educational and Research Network), which brought the Internet technology to India's academic institutions in the early nineties. We specially remember what we have learned from the SIGSys Group of the Department of Computer Science of the Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai. We have also benefited enormously from the guidance we received from the Networking Group at the NCST (National Centre for Software Technology) in Mumbai, specially from Geetanjali Sampemane.

On a wider scale, our learning along the path of systems and networks started with Unix, without which our appreciation of computer systems would have remained very fragmented and superficial. Our insight into Unix came from our ``Village Elders'' in the Department of Computer Science of the IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) at Mumbai, specially from ``Hattu,'' ``Sathe,'' and ``Sapre,'' none of whom are with the IIT today, and from Professor D. B. Phatak and others, many of whom, luckily are still with the Institute.

Coming to Starcom, all the members of Starcom Software who have worked on various problems with networking, Linux, and Usenet news installations have helped the authors in understanding what works and what doesn't. Without their work, this HOWTO would have been a dry text book.

Hema Kariyappa co-authored the first couple of versions of this HOWTO, starting with v2.0.

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