Wacom Tablet HOWTO
Stefan Runkel <runkel@runkel-it.de>
v1.0.8, 2001-08-11
Installation of Wacom graphic tablets under linux and / or xfree86
1. Copyright
2. Introduction
3. Requirements
- 3.1 Which Hardware is supported
- 3.2 Which Software is needed
- 3.3 Which Software is supported
- 3.4 What has to be prepared if the Tablet connects to the USB-Port
4. Tablets as Mouse-Replacement for the Linux-Console
5. Tablets with XFree 3 and XFree 4
- 5.1 Required XFree Version
- 5.2 Sample XF86Config snippet for XFree 3
- 5.3 Sample XF86Config snippet for XFree 4
- 5.4 Syntax Difference between XFree 3 and XFree 4
- 5.5 Section Module
- 5.6 Device Type (XF3) and Type (XF4)
- 5.7 DeviceName (XF3) and Identifier (XF4)
- 5.8 Port (XF3) and Device (XF4)
- 5.9 DebugLevel
- 5.10 Serial Num (intuos series only)
- 5.11 Mode absolute, Mode relative
- 5.12 Device Modes Extension, Core, AlwaysCore
- 5.13 HistorySize
- 5.14 Suppress
- 5.15 TiltMode (XF3) and Tilt (XF4)
- 5.16 MaxX, MaxY, MaxZ (since alpha 20)
- 5.17 ResolutionX, ResolutionY, ResolutionZ (since alpha 20)
- 5.18 TopX, TopY, BottomX, BottomY Statements
- 5.19 KeepShape
- 5.20 Threshold
- 5.21 USB (since alpha 20)
6. Changing configuration from within a running X-Server
- 6.1 Setting up the Gimp to use XInput devices
- 6.2 The Switch Device
- 6.3 Buttons
- 6.4 Button Mapping with xmodmap for Devices in Core Mode
- 6.5 Button Mapping with xinput for Devices in Extension Mode
- 6.6 xsetmode - changing absolute / relative mode
- 6.7 xsetpointer - setting the default core device
- 6.8 Keys
- 6.9 Utilities to use more than one tablet and for toggle support on / off
7. XFree FAQ - Problems And Questions
- 7.1 Gnome and Gimp only work like a usual mouse, without pressure and tilt.
- 7.2 Is the wheel of the mouse (cursor) supported ?
- 7.3 How can I find out the intuos Serial Num of my tool ?
- 7.4 How do I change the action of each button of my tool?
- 7.5 How can I use the intuos/artpad/ultrapad macro area ?
- 7.6 Is it possible to define multiple active areas on the same tablet ?
- 7.7 Can I use more than one tablet at the same time ?
- 7.8 The Wacom Driver eats my CPU Time. Any Hint ?
- 7.9 The Cursor 'dances' around
8. Gpm FAQ - Problems And Questions
9. Further Information / Used Documents
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