6. The Future
Sometime in August, WordPerfect 7.0 for Linux should ship. It should be available from SDC for about $149.99 for a competitive upgrade or $199.99 retail.
Corel is working on porting their entire office suite to Java and releasing it as Corel Office for Java(TM). This currently is in Beta and works on Linux (I tried the first beta -- very slow). Check out http://officeforjava.corel.com/about.htm for more information. This promises to be something to watch.
SDC is currently working on WPLinux 8 with an expected beta mid 1998 and a release following by about 5 months. SDC has indicated that if there is not sufficient demand for WP for Linux, they will probably not ship it (they already stopped shipping for SGI and UNIXWare) -- so if you like it, buy it!
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