Table of Contents
- Chapter 1 Preliminaries
- Chapter 2 Introduction
- Chapter 3 Installation
- 3.1 compatibilitySBUS Controller Compatibility
- 3.2 hardware installationHardware Installation Procedure
- 3.3 5070 Onboard Configuration
- 3.4 Linux Configuration
- 3.5 Maintenance
- 3.6 Troubleshooting / Error Messages
- 3.7 Bugs
- 3.8 Frequently Asked Questions
- 3.9 command referenceAdvanced Topics: 5070 Command Reference
- 3.9.1 autobootAUTOBOOT - script to automatically create all raid sets and scsi monitors
- 3.9.2 AUTOFAULT - script to automatically mark a backend faulty after a drive failure
- 3.9.3 AUTOREPAIR - script to automatically allocate a spare and reconstruct a raid set
- 3.9.4 BIND - combine elements of the namespace
- 3.9.5 BUZZER - get the state or turn on or off the buzzer
- 3.9.6 CACHE - display information about and delete cache ranges
- 3.9.7 CACHEDUMP - Dump the contents of the write cache to battery backed-up ram
- 3.9.8 CACHERESTORE - Load the cache with data from battery backed-up ram
- 3.9.9 CAT - concatenate files and print on the standard output
- 3.9.10 CMP - compare the contents of 2 files
- 3.9.11 CONS - console device for Husky
- 3.9.12 DD - copy a file (disk, etc)
- 3.9.13 DEVSCMP - Compare a file's size against a given value
- 3.9.14 DFORMAT- Perform formatting functions on a backend disk drive
- 3.9.15 DIAGS - script to run a diagnostic on a given device
- 3.9.16 DPART - edit a scsihd disk partition table
- 3.9.17 DUP - open file descriptor device
- 3.9.18 ECHO - display a line of text
- 3.9.19 ENV- environment variables file system
- 3.9.20 ENVIRON - RaidRunner Global environment variables - names and effects
- 3.9.21 EXEC - cause arguments to be executed in place of this shell
- 3.9.22 EXIT - exit a K9 process
- 3.9.23 EXPR - evaluation of numeric expressions
- 3.9.24 FALSE - returns the K9 false status
- 3.9.25 FIFO - bi-directional fifo buffer of fixed size
- 3.9.26 GET - select one value from list
- 3.9.27 GETIV - get the value an internal RaidRunner variable
- 3.9.28 HELP - print a list of commands and their synopses
- 3.9.29 HUSKY - shell for K9 kernel
- 3.9.30 HWCONF - print various hardware configuration details
- 3.9.31 HWMON - monitoring daemon for temperature, fans, PSUs.
- 3.9.32 INTERNALS - Internal variables used by RaidRunner to change dynamics of running kernel
- 3.9.33 KILL - send a signal to the nominated process
- 3.9.34 LED- turn on/off LED's on RaidRunner
- 3.9.35 LFLASH- flash a led on RaidRunner
- 3.9.36 LINE - copies one line of standard input to standard output
- 3.9.37 LLENGTH - return the number of elements in the given list
- 3.9.38 LOG - like zero with additional logging of accesses
- 3.9.39 LRANGE - extract a range of elements from the given list
- 3.9.40 LS - list the files in a directory
- 3.9.41 LSEARCH - find the a pattern in a list
- 3.9.42 LSUBSTR - replace a character in all elements of a list
- 3.9.43 MEM - memory mapped file (system)
- 3.9.44 MDEBUG - exercise and display statistics about memory allocation
- 3.9.45 MKDIR - create directory (or directories)
- 3.9.46 MKDISKFS - script to create a disk filesystem
- 3.9.47 MKHOSTFS - script to create a host port filesystem
- 3.9.48 MKRAID - script to create a raid given a line of output of rconf
- 3.9.49 MKRAIDFS - script to create a raid filesystem
- 3.9.50 MKSMON - script to start the scsi monitor daemon smon
- 3.9.51 MKSTARGD - script to initialize a scsi target daemon for a given raid set
- 3.9.52 MSTARGD - monitor for stargd
- 3.9.53 NICE - Change the K9 run-queue priority of a K9 process
- 3.9.54 NULL- file to throw away output in
- 3.9.55 PARACC - display information about hardware parity accelerator
- 3.9.56 PEDIT - Display/modify SCSI backend Mode Parameters Pages
- 3.9.57 PIPE - two way interprocess communication
- 3.9.58 PRANKS - print or set the accessible backend ranks for the current controller
- 3.9.59 PRINTENV - print one or all GLOBAL environment variables
- 3.9.60 PS - report process status
- 3.9.61 PSCSIRES - print SCSI-2 reservation table for all or specific monikers
- 3.9.62 PSTATUS - print the values of hardware status registers
- 3.9.63 RAIDACTION- script to gather/reset stats or stop/start a raid set's stargd
- 3.9.64 RAID0 - raid 0 device
- 3.9.65 RAID1 - raid 1 device
- 3.9.66 RAID3 - raid 3 device
- 3.9.67 RAID4 - raid 4 device
- 3.9.68 RAID5 - raid 5 device
- 3.9.69 RAM - ram based file system
- 3.9.70 RANDIO - simulate random reads and writes
- 3.9.71 RCONF, SPOOL, HCONF, MCONF, CORRUPT-CONFIG - raid configuration and spares management
- 3.9.72 REBOOT - exit K9 on target hardware + return to monitor
- 3.9.73 REBUILD - raid set reconstruction utility
- 3.9.74 REPAIR - script to allocate a spare to a raid set's failed backend
- 3.9.75 REPLACE - script to restore a backend in a raid set
- 3.9.76 RM - remove the file (or files)
- 3.9.77 RMON - Power-On Diagnostics and Bootstrap
- 3.9.78 RRSTRACE - disassemble scsihpmtr monitor data
- 3.9.79 RSIZE - estimate the memory usage for a given raid set
- 3.9.80 SCN2681 - access a scn2681 (serial IO device) as console
- 3.9.81 SCSICHIPS - print various details about a controller's scsi chips
- 3.9.82 SCSIHD - SCSI hard disk device (a SCSI initiator)
- 3.9.83 SCSIHP - SCSI target device
- 3.9.84 SET - set (or clear) an environment variable
- 3.9.85 SCSIHPMTR - turn on host port debugging
- 3.9.86 SETENV - set a GLOBAL environment variable
- 3.9.87 SDLIST - Set or display an internal list of attached disk drives
- 3.9.88 SETIV - set an internal RaidRunner variable
- 3.9.89 SHOWBAT - display information about battery backed-up ram
- 3.9.90 SHUTDOWN - script to place the RaidRunner into a shutdown or quiescent state
- 3.9.91 SLEEP - sleep for the given number of seconds
- 3.9.92 SMON - RaidRunner SCSI monitor daemon
- 3.9.93 SOS - pulse the buzzer to emit sos's
- 3.9.94 SPEEDTST - Generate a set number of sequential writes then reads
- 3.9.95 SPIND - Spin up or down a disk device
- 3.9.96 SPINDLE - Modify Spindle Synchronization on a disk device
- 3.9.97 SRANKS - set the accessible backend ranks for a controller
- 3.9.98 STARGD - daemon for SCSI-2 target
- 3.9.99 STAT - get status information on the named files (or stdin)
- 3.9.100 STATS - Print cumulative performance statistics on a Raid Set or Cache Range
- 3.9.101 STRING - perform a string operation on a given value
- 3.9.102 SUFFIX - Suffixes permitted on some big decimal numbers
- 3.9.103 SYSLOG - device to send system messages for logging
- 3.9.104 SYSLOGD - initialize or access messages in the system log area
- 3.9.105 TEST - condition evaluation command
- 3.9.106 TIME - Print the number of seconds since boot (or reset of clock)
- 3.9.107 TRAP - intercept a signal and perform some action
- 3.9.108 TRUE - returns the K9 true status
- 3.9.109 STTY or TTY - print the user's terminal mount point or terminfo status
- 3.9.110 UNSET - delete one or more environment variables
- 3.9.111 UNSETENV - unset (delete) a GLOBAL environment variable
- 3.9.112 VERSION - print out the version of the RaidRunner kernel
- 3.9.113 WAIT - wait for a process (or my children) to terminate
- 3.9.114 WARBLE - periodically pulse the buzzer
- 3.9.115 XD- dump given file(s) in hexa-decimal to standard out
- 3.9.116 ZAP - write zeros to a file
- 3.9.117 ZCACHE - Manipulate the zone optimization IO table of a Raid Set's cache
- 3.9.118 ZERO - file when read yields zeros continuously
- 3.9.119 ZLABELS - Write zeros to the front and end of Raid Sets
- 3.10 Advanced Topics: SCSI Monitor Daemon (SMON)
- 3.11 Further Reading