2. Introduction

The T1500 is a Linux based diskless thin client, able to boot off internal FLASH RAM into X. It will acquire TCP/IP information from DHCP, and includes telnet and a WWW browser. In this configuration, the T1500 is useful as a small Internet access device.However, the T1500 can also operate as a diskless client, acquiring it's initial kernel and root file system from a remote machine (this uses 'TFTP' for the 1st stage, and 'NFS' for the latter). Compaq provide a CD with a kernel image and root file system, along with management tools, but these tools are not needed, and have been found to fail on some systems. This will be discussed in the 'Compaq Way' section.

It is also possible to use the Compaq kernel to boot a normal Linux based distribution. We use Debian as an example, but the process is fairly generic, and discussed in the 'One True Way' section.

We will assume: A working DNS server on (bookcase) and that this machine will serve the kernel and file system The T1500 is to be installed as (box). The domain is 'house'. No special routing is needed. In the examples a RedHat server is used, but the specifics should apply to any GNU based system.

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