1. Introduction
1.1. Purpose of the howto
If you've got a Software modem whose chipset is not made by Conexant or Rockwell then you should see the linmodem howto.
Note that this guide has no information about using Conexant/Rockwell modems for operating systems other then Linux except for the following: There are no known drivers for FreeBSD or BeOS, Windows drivers can be obtained from Conexant.
1.3. Feedback
If you have any feedback on how I can improve this HOWTO or are interested in translating this HOWTO into another language please contact me via email at ImranG@btinternet.com(if you don't get a reply within a week resend the message to imran@bits.bris.ac.uk).
If you need some help in getting your modem to work, rather then contacting me for help directly see the Getting Help section as you are more likely to be able to get a faster answer from the places indicated then if you email me direct.
1.6. Getting Help
- Linmodem mailing list
The Linmodem mailing list is the main place on the internet for discussion of the use of Software modems under Linux. If someone else has had the same problem as you chances are that someone on the Linmodem mailing list knows about it. To join the mailing list send a blank email to discuss-subscribe@linmodems.org, the mailing lists homepage is at www.linmodems.org.
- SoftModems IRC channel
If you want to talk to someone real time your best bet is the #SoftModems channel on the OpenProject's IRC network. See www.openprojects.org for details or connect to eu.opirc.nu on port 6667.
- Newsgroups
The newsgroups comp.os.linux.hardware and comp.os.linux.setup often have people familiar with software modems. If you speak Italian the newsgroup it.comp.os.linux.iniziare has people familiar with Conexant/Rockwell neewsgroups.
Remember when asking for help to include your modems Device ID, Vendor ID and any error message you got.