9. Hebrew around the Internet.
9.1 WWW
- Jerusalem 1 - has many program and FAQ files about Hebrew on Unix and other platforms http://www.jer1.co.il.
- Gili Granot's Hebrew archive page - sumerize of all Hebrew related issues around the Web (include all kind of files) http://www.cs.technion.ac.il/~gil.
- Gavrie has some info about Hebrew on his ftp site: ftp://kelim.jct.ac.il
9.2 Gopher
- A one word testing for Hebrew-gopher can be found on gopher://shekel.jct.ac.il
9.3 Ftp
- Some Tex-Xet programs and the main FTP site for Tex Hebrew support for PC and Unix is at ftp://noa.huji.ac.il/tex.
- Horizon site as said allready contains the main site of pine/pico Hebrew support - ftp://horizon.huji.ac.il/pub.
- Gili Granot's Hebrew archive page ftp site is at ftp://ssl.cs.technion.ac.il/pub.
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