Fotis Georgatos < gef@hellug.gr>
Ekdosn 0.991127, 12-27-1999Auto to keimevo periexei plnrofories gia tnv ru8misn tou Linux gia upostnri3n twv idiaiterotntwv twv Ellnvwv kai tns ellnvikns glwssas. This document is part of Hellenic (el) LDP project: http://www.hellug.gr/gr/howto/howto/pub/html/
1. Eisagwgn
- 1.1 Suvtnrnsn tou Hellenic-HOWTO
- 1.2 Morfopoinseis tou Hellenic-HOWTO
- 1.3 Tropopoinseis
- 1.4 Spovdes
- 1.5 Pveumatika dikaiwmata kai adeia xrnsns.
- 1.6 Note to english users & Copyright
2. Egkatastasn
- 2.1 Egkatastasn ellnvikwv
- 2.2 Xrnsimes sumboules
- 2.3 Suse
- 2.4 Redhat
- 2.5 Slackware
- 2.6 Pros8etes ru8miseis
3. Ru8miseis Ellnvikwv
- 3.1 Ellnvikes grammatoseires
- 3.2 Kovsola (text mode)
- 3.3 Grafiko periballov (Xwindows)
- 3.4 Zwvn wras (Timezone)
- 3.5 Ektupwseis
- 3.6 Pws kavw mount eva windows partition;
- 3.7 Pws va grayw eva CD sto Linux;
4. Efarmoges
- 4.1 bash
- 4.2 csh/tcsh
- 4.3 ls
- 4.4 more
- 4.5 less
- 4.6 a2ps
- 4.7 genscript
- 4.8 vi
- 4.9 joe
- 4.10 emacs
- 4.11 xemacs
- 4.12 pine
- 4.13 elm
- 4.14 metamail
- 4.15 telnet
- 4.16 rlogin
- 4.17 xterm
- 4.18 rxvt
- 4.19 minicom
- 4.20 samba
- 4.21 ispell
- 4.22 Midnight Commander
- 4.23 Staroffice
- 4.24 Netscape
5. National Language Support
- 5.1 Proetoimasia
- 5.2 Egkatastasn Ellnvikwv Locale
- 5.3 Egkatastasn tou tcsh
- 5.4 Ru8miseis diaforwv efarmogwv
- 5.5 Problnmata
- 5.6 Epipleov plnrofories
6. Tex/LaTex
7. Hlektrovikn tekmnriwsn kai biblia
- 7.1 Linux Documentation Project
- 7.2 Periodika
- 7.3 Biblia eidika gia Linux
- 7.4 Unix gia Arxarious
- 7.5 Unix gia Proxwrnmevous
- 7.6 Diaxeirisn Sustnmatos
- 7.7 Asfaleia Sustnmatos sto Unix
- 7.8 Unix kai Internet
- 7.9 Ellnvika biblia gia to UNIX
8. To Linux stnv Ellada
- 8.1 Listes kai omades suzntnsewv (Newsgroups)
- 8.2 IRC
- 8.3 Fidonet
- 8.4 Omades Ellnvwv Xrnstwv tou Linux
- 8.5 Egw pws mporw va bon8nsw
- 8.6 Internet Sites
- 8.7 Diavomes kai CD
- 8.8 Bibliopwleia kai diavomeis twv CD
9. FAQ
- 9.1 Pws 3ekivnse to Linux;
- 9.2 Ti logous exw gia va egkatastnsw to Linux;
- 9.3 Pws mporw va ma8w ta basika gia to Linux;
- 9.4 Sumbatotnta;
- 9.5 Ti SOFTWARE upostnrizetai;
- 9.6 Ti eivai to compile tou purnva;
- 9.7 Ti eivai auto to SIG11;
- 9.8 Uparxouv alla eleu8era Unix;
- 9.9 Basikn orologia
10. Pivakes xaraktnrwv, character sets
- 10.1 Tupopoinseis twv ellnvikwv
- 10.2 737
- 10.3 928
- 10.4 Unicode
- 10.5 Metatropeis ellnvikwv
- 10.6 Tupoi arxeiwv kai metatropn tous
- 10.7 Ti uparxei akoma sto Internet sxetika me ellnvika;
11. TODO
- 11.1 sgmlutils
- 11.2 groff
- 11.3 KDE
- 11.4 vim,viH
- 11.5 nn
- 11.6 tin
- 11.7 mtools
- 11.8 jove
- 11.9 pcal
- 11.10 kermit
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