6. Installing DB2 Express-C
This chapter covers a typical setup scenario for installing DB2 Express-C on a 32-bit Linux system, using the db2setup installation method.
6.1. db2setup installation
6.1.1. Prerequisites
Ensure that your system meets the software, memory, and disk requirements outlined in Section 5.
You require root authority to perform the installation.
The DB2 Setup Launchpad is a graphical installer. You must have X Window System software capable of rendering a graphical user interface for the DB2 Setup Launchpad to run on your machine.
6.1.2. Procedure
To install DB2 Express-C 9:
Log on to the system as a user with root authority.
If you are installing from a CD or DVD, enter the command to mount the DB2 installation media. For example,
If you are using a downloaded tar.gz file, extract the contents of this archive to a location on your harddrive. For example, presuming the tar.gz file was downloaded to the /tmp directory:mount /media/cdrom
cd /tmp tar zxf db2exc_912_LNX_x86.tar.gz
Change to the install directory. For the CD/DVD install:
For the downloaded and extracted tar.gz file:cd /media/cdrom/exp/disk1
cd /tmp/exp/disk1
Run the db2setup command.
When the IBM DB2 Setup Launchpad opens, select "Install a Product".
Select the "Install New" button in the main window.
When the Welcome to the DB2 Setup wizard window appears, click "Next".
Read the license agreement and select the "Accept" button if you accept the terms (the "Decline" button is selected by default). Click "Next".
- On the Select the installation typewindow,
select the type of installation you want to perform. You have three
installation options:
- Typical: 460–560 MB. This option installs and configures most of the DB2 components, using a typical configuration with default values. This option includes all of the core features, along with ODBC support, and commonly used tools such as the Control Center. You can select the "View Features" button to see what components get installed with this option.
- Compact: 380–460 MB. This option installs and configures only the basic DB2 components, with minimal configuration performed on your computer. With this option you get the base server and client support, along with Java and SQL procedure support. Again, you can click the "View Features" button for more information.
- Custom: 320–820 MB. This option allows you to install only those components that you select; and to create and customize a basic DB2 instance.
Make your choice and click "Next". (The remainder of these instructions are based on the Custom installation option).
On the Select the installation action window, choose the "Install DB2 Express on this computer" radio button. You can also choose to save your installations settings in a response file by selecting "Save your settings in a response file". You should choose this option if you plan to install DB2, with these same settings, on other computers in your environment.
Choose the DB2 elements you want on the Select the features to install window. You can preview each component by selecting it and reading the corresponding description in the Description section.
You can also choose where to install the DB2 program files. By default for a first time installation, this location is /opt/ibm/db2/V9.1/ Once you have decided what features you want to install and the destination, click "Next".
Select what languages you want installed for the messages and user interface on your computer in the Languages window. English is always installed, regardless of other language choices. Click "Next".
In the Specify the location of the DB2 Information Center window, select how you want to access the DB2 Information Center. The DB2 Information Center contains documentation for DB2 and other related DB2 products. The "On the IBM Web site" button is selected by default. By choosing this option, DB2 is configured to access documentation on the Web using your browser. If you have a copy of the DB2 Information Center installed elsewhere on an intranet server, you can choose the "On the following intranet server" button. Specify the values in the Host name and Port number text fields (the default value for the port number is 51000). Click the "Help" button for more information, otherwise click "Next".
Fill out the information for the user that will administer the DB2 Administration Server in the Set user information for the DB2 Administration Server window. Select either the "New user" button, or the "Existing user" button. The Password and Confirm password text boxes are outlined in red indicating required fields that must be filled in for the installation to continue. If you choose to create a new user, a user account will be created (including a home directory) on your Linux system. Click "Next".
If you want to create a new basic DB2 instance to store your database, then select the "Create a DB2 instance" button on the Set up a DB2 instance window. Otherwise, select the "Defer this task until after installation is complete" button. If you select this second option, you will need to create a new instance after the installation by using the db2icrt command. Click "Help" for more information, otherwise click "Next".
If you create a new instance, fill out the information for the DB2 instance owner on the Set user information for the DB2 instance owner window. Select either the "New user" button, or the "Existing user" button. The Password and Confirm password text boxes are outlined in red indicating required fields that must be filled in for the installation to continue. Again, if you choose to create a new user, a user account will be created (including a home directory) on your Linux system. Click "Next".
Fill out the information for the DB2 fenced user on the Set user information for the fenced user window. Select either the "New user" button, or the "Existing user" button. The Password and Confirm password text boxes are outlined in red indicating required fields that must be filled in for the installation to continue. For more information on fenced users, and how fenced users relate to fenced and non-fenced user-defined functions (UDFs) and stored procedures, click "Help". Otherwise, click "Next" to continue.
Configure the DB2 instance for TCP/IP communications on the Configure instance IP communication and startup window. You may either accept the default values found in the Service name and Port number fields, or select your own. If you want to configure the instance properties at a later time, select the "Do not configure at this time" button. This service name and port are added to the services file for the system, typically found in /etc/services.
You can also choose whether to start up this instance at system startup. This is recommended if you are planning on running your system as a DB2 server. Click "Next".
On the Prepare the DB2 tools catalog window, select the "Prepare the DB2 tools catalog" button if you want to use the Task Center or Task Scheduler. This option creates a local database that stores task metadata. If you do not have this task repository, the scheduler will not function. If you want to create a DB2 tools catalog after you finish the installation, select the "Do not prepare the DB2 tools catalog" button. You can create the DB2 tools catalog later manually by using the CREATE TOOLS CATALOG command. Click "Next".
If you decide to create a DB2 tools catalog, you can specify which instance, database, and schema in which to store the DB2 tools catalog. The DB2 tools catalog will be placed in the home directory of the instance owner. Click "Next".
Specify a notification mail server and contact list on the Set up notifications window. This allows DB2 to notify administrators if a database requires attention. Either create a new contact list that is stored locally, or use an existing global contact list that resides on a remote DB2 server. Use an available SMTP server that will accept an unauthenticated SMTP message for e-mail notifications. You may also choose to skip this step; DB2 will still record all administration notifications in the log files. Click "Next".
- If you specified a new local list for contacts in the previous step, then in the Specify a contact for health monitor notification, you can add a name and email address where DB2 Health Center messages will be sent for any health alerts from DB2 databases.
On the Start copying files window, review the installation settings, and then click "Finish" to complete the installation. The Current settings panel provides a summary of your installation and configuration settings.