22. Resources
This section lists available additional resources for information on using DB2 Express-C 9 for Linux:
22.1. Forums and Newsgroups
IBM developerWorks forums
This page lists the available developerWorks hosted web forums. Many of them are mirrors of the regular Usenet DB2 newsgroups.
DB2 Express-C developerWorks forum
The main site for DB2 Express-C support questions. All support functionality for unwarranted versions of Express-C comes from this community support forum. Lots of IBM developers (including the DB2 Express-C team) regularly monitor and participate in this forum.
DB2 9 developerWorks forum
The forum for general DB2 9 questions. Lots of DB2 developers regularly monitor and participate in this forum.
Covers the use of DB2 on all platforms, including Linux and UNIX, Windows, z/OS, iSeries, and pSeries. This forum is quite active.
Similar to comp.databases.ibm-db2, but handles questions specific to the DB2 Universal Database product only.
22.2. Web sites
DB2 Universal Database for Linux
The home portal for DB2 information on Linux.
DB2 Express-C
Main web portal for the DB2 Express-C product, including downloads of the DB2 Express-C software and related utilities.
DB2 Information Center
The DB2 Information Center is the most current source of official DB2 documentation in 29 different languages. Set your browser language preference and the site will return the translated version of a given page if it is available, falling back to English content if not. Access to the information is offered via search, navigation tree, or a comprehensive master index.
DB2 Linux validation site
Information regarding IBM recommended and validated Linux distributions for the current version of DB2.
DB2 Online Support
The official support channel for DB2 for Linux, UNIX and Windows. Contains information and downloads regarding Fixpaks, APARs, Technotes, DB2 Flashes, and more.
DB2 PDF Manuals
If you like your information in discrete chunks, this is the place to get official DB2 manuals in PDF format.
DB2 for Linux white papers
White papers typically provide overviews or introductions to new technology or new releases of a product.
DB2 Magazine
This Web site is the online version of DB2 Magazine, which publishes articles about using DB2 on Linux and other platforms. You can also sign up for a free subscription to the print version of the magazine.
IBM developerWorks for DB2
A great resource for tutorials, learning resources, help, and tips for improving DB2 and developing DB2-based applications.
International DB2 Users Group (IDUG)
IDUG holds a number of international conferences on DB2 and has regional user groups. While IDUG has traditionally focused on DB2 for z/OS and iSeries, they have increasingly included information on DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows. The IDUG Web site includes online discussion forums and links to other DB2 resources.
Red Hat Linux
Home to the Red Hat Linux distribution.
Also see http://www.redhat.com/rhn/(the Red Hat Network) for more information on system updates and kernel information.
SUSE Linux
Now a Novell business, this site is the home for the SUSE Linux distribution.
Also see http://support.novell.com/patches.html for more information on system updates and kernel information.
Ubuntu Linux
Home to the Ubuntu Linux distribution.
Ubuntu is a community developed, Linux-based operating system that is rapidly emerging as a favorite distributions, particularly amongst new users.
Fedora Project
Home to the Fedora Project Linux distribution.
The Fedora Project is a collection of projects sponsored by Red Hat and developed as a partnership between the open source community and Red Hat engineers.
Mandriva Linux
Home to the Mandriva Linux distribution.
Mandriva's key product is the Mandriva Linux distribution. It is available in individual user and enterprise versions. The company also provides and maintains a completely free version called Free Mandriva.