Latvian HOWTO
Artis Trops
v1.5, 2002-06-19�� dokumenta m�r�is ir kop�giem sp�kiem ieg�t latvie�u valodas atbalstu oper�ciju sist�m� Linux. Note to English readers: The aim of this document is to describe GNU/Linux localization issues specific for Latvian users.
Copyright (c) 2001 Artis Trops. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with the Invariant Section being "Priek�v�rds", with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free Documentation License".
Autorties�bas (c) 2001 Artis Trops. Tiek dota at�auja kop�t, izplat�t un/vai modific�t �o dokumentu saska�� ar GNU Br�v�s Dokument�cijas Licences, Versijas 1.1 vai jebkuras v�l�kas versijas, kuru public�jis Br�v�s Programmat�ras Fonds, nosac�jumiem; ar Bezvariantu Paragr�fu "Priek�v�rds", bez Pirm�-V�ka Tekstiem un bez Aizmugur�j�-V�ka Tekstiem. Licences kopija ir iek�auta paragr�f� ar nosaukumu "GNU Br�v�s Dokument�cijas Licence".
1. Priek�v�rds
2. Xlogi (Xwindow)
3. Konsole
- 3.1 Nepiecie�amie faili
- 3.2 Liekam visu sav�s viet�s
- 3.3 Latvie�u valoda k� noklus�t� konsoles valoda
- 3.4 Da�u programmu piel�go�ana darbam latvie�u valod�
4. Netscape
5. NLS
7. GNU Br�v�s Dokument�cijas Licence
8. GNU Free Documentation License
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