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17. Text Processing

17.1 Edith Pro for X11


Edith Pro is a powerful and easy-to-use text editing package, for editing plain text such as EMail messages, HTML, LaTeX and programming languages. It is aimed at people who want a flexible editing tool but who are not prepared to spend much time into learning and configuring their application. It includes a fast text-only web browser with access to the system manual and info.

Distribution media:

Internet (WWW).

Licensing policy:

You are only allowed to download Edith from the ZFC web pages for personal use. Without a licence, Edith will regularly issue messages stressing that the copy used is not licenced. Personal use without a licence is allowed, but organizations are required to buy a licence.

OS provisions:

ELF binary. 1MB is sufficient for editing normally sized text.


Online HTML help covers the printed manual completely. The printed manual contains illustrations not in the online help.

Product support:

Free updates can be downloaded from the ZFC web pages. Licence holders will be notified of updates. Licence holders can contact ZFC by EMail for immediate support.

Available since:

January 1, 1997.

Countries with distribution:

World wide directly from ZFC.

Price range:

NLG 70 (approximately US$35) single host, NLG 400 (approximately US$200) full site licence. 50%50 discount for educational organizations and students.



P.O. Box 15813
1001 NH Amsterdam
The Netherlands


+31 20 4 208 248




Annius V. Groenink

Last modified:

August 4, 1997.

17.2 TeraSpell 97 for Emacs


TeraSpell 97 for Emacs is the user-friendly spell checker for Emacs which incorporates visual highlights for misspelled words and on-the-fly spell checking. TeraSpell 97 for Emacs sets a new standard of quality in spelling correction software by providing the technically most advanced spelling correction system available on the market.

TeraSpell eliminates the traditional tedious spelling dialog and speeds up the process of spell checking your documents. Visual highlights let you efficiently identify all spelling errors in your documents at once and ignore all non-words that you may have used in your document. TeraSpell can spell check your document as you type. As soon as you type an incorrect word, it becomes highlighted. By clicking right on a highlighted word, a menu of suggestions appears.

Distribution media:

Internet (EMail and WWW).

Licensing policy:

Evaluation version available for free from our web site. Single user license, 3, 5, 10, 20 users license. Site-wide and University wide licenses,

OS provisions:

Emacs 19.29.1 or higher. XEmacs 19.14 or higher.


Online documentation.

Product support:

EMmail support. WWW Updates. FAQs on WWW.

Extra features and add-ons:

Additional languages available.

Available since:

August, 1997.

Countries with distribution:

World wide.

Price range:

US$29.99 single user student Linux license. US$89 single user Linux, Solaris, Irix, HPUX.


Teragram Corporation

236 Huntington Avenue
Boston MA 02115-4701


+1 617 369 0100


+1 617 369 0101




Yves Schabes

Last modified:

August 16, 1997.

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