Linux Commercial HOWTO
Mr. Poet <>
v5.38, 7 March 1999This document contains a listing of commercial software and applications which are offered for Linux. It is maintained by Mr. Poet <>.
1. About this document
2. Copyright Information
3. Disclaimer
4. Related Information
5. Linux for the Commercial Market?
6. Website Development
- 6.1 ASWedit, HTML editor
- 6.2 Empress DataWEB
- 6.3 EZ-EDIT
- 6.4 LinkScan
- 6.5 TalentSoft Web+ (WebPlus)
- 6.6 VirtuFlex 1.1
- 6.7 Visual prolog
- 6.8 Web Crossing
- 6.9 ThreadTrack and WebTailor from Webthreads.
7. Databases
- 7.1 c-tree Plus
- 7.2 Empress
- 7.3 Essentia
- 7.4 FairCom Server
- 7.6 Just Logic/SQL
- 7.7 KE Texpress
- 7.8 Qddb
- 7.9 Raima Database Manager++
- 7.10 Empress Embedded RDBMS
- 7.11 SOLID Server
- 7.12 Velocis Database Server
- 7.13 Yard SQL
8. Data Visualisation and CAD
- 8.1 IDL (Interactive Data Language)
- 8.2 Megahedron
- 8.3 Tecplot 7.0
- 8.4 VariCAD
- 8.5 VARKON
- 8.6 XVScan
9. Development Tools
- 9.2 Amzi! Prolog & Logic Server
- 9.3 Basmark QuickBASIC
- 9.4 Critical Mass CM3
- 9.5 Dynace
- 9.6 Absoft Fortran 77
- 9.7 Finesse
- 9.8 ISE Eiffel
- 9.9 EiffelBench
- 9.10 C-Forge IDE
- 9.11 IdeaFix
- 9.12 j-tree
- 9.13 KAI C++
- 9.14 Khoros Pro 2.1
- 9.15 MetaCard
- 9.16 ObjectManual Release 3.0
- 9.17 Critical Mass Reactor
- 9.18 Resource Standard Metrics
- 9.19 r-tree
- 9.20 sdoc (Source Documenter)
- 9.21 SEDIT, S/REXX
- 9.22 SNiFF+
- 9.23 ST/X (Smalltalk/X)
- 9.24 tdb (Tcl Debugger)
- 9.25 tprof (Tcl Profiler)
- 9.26 View Designer/X (VDX)
- 9.27 XBasic
- 9.28 XMove 4.0 for Linux
10. Emulation
11. Financial Software
12. Libraries
- 12.1 FontScope
- 12.3 Matrix<LIB> - C++ Math Matrix Library
- 12.4 PKWARE Data Compression Library for Linux
- 12.5 readyBase
- 12.6 SIMLIB IG
13. Mathematics
- 13.1 Maple V Release 4 - The Power Edition
- 13.3 Mathematica 3.0
- 13.4 MATLAB and Simulink
14. Multimedia
- 14.1 Peter Lipa and his Journeys
- 14.2 Lucka Vondrackova and her Journeys
- 14.3 MpegTV Player 1.0
- 14.4 Peter Nagy and his Journeys
- 14.5 Xaudio
15. Network Servers
- 15.1 Critical Angle X.500 Enabler
- 15.2 DNEWS News Server
- 15.3 Aventail Internet Policy Manager
- 15.4 Aventail VPN
- 15.5 WANPIPE
- 15.6 Zeus Web Server
16. Office Tools
- 16.1 Corel WordPerfect 8
- 16.2 The American Heritage Dictionary Deluxe
- 16.3 Applixware Office Suite for Linux
- 16.4 D.M.S. Document Management System
- 16.5 HotWire EasyFAX
- 16.6 NExS, the Network Extensible Spreadsheet
- 16.7 Axene Office
- 16.8 Projector and Projector/Net
- 16.9 The Virtual Office System
- 16.10 Axene XAllWrite
- 16.11 Axene Xclamation
- 16.12 Axene XQuad
17. Text Processing
18. System Administration Tools
19. X Windows Related Products
- 19.1 Accelerated-X Display Server
- 19.2 BXwidgets
- 19.3 BXwidgets/DB
- 19.4 Laptop, Accelerated-X Display Server
- 19.5 MaXimum cde Developer's Edition v1.0
- 19.6 Multi-headed, Accelerated-X Display Server
- 19.7 OpenGL, Accelerated-X Display Server
- 19.8 OSF-Certified Motif
20. Other Software
- 20.1 ABACUS 4
- 20.2 BBBS
- 20.3 Clustor
- 20.4 FootPrints
- 20.5 Aladdin Ghostscript
- 20.6 Magician
- 20.7 journyx WebTime
- 20.8 LanSafe
- 20.9 LjetMgr
- 20.10 Synchronize/CyberScheduler
21. Free Software for Commercial Hardware
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