5. Inlines
<!entity % inline " (#pcdata | f| x| %emph; |sq| %xref | %index | file )* " >
Inlines may occure anywhere within the text, and doesn't have any influence to the textflow or logical structure of the document.
- #pcdata
Parsed character data is just normal written text within the flow wich may contain other inlines.
- f
Inline mathematical formulas according to the
. See The Formula Tag.- x
The external tag wich is bypassing the parser. Tagged data walks directly into the mapped file. See chapter The External Tag for detailed information.
- %emph;
Emphasizes of the text. See chapter Emphasizes.
- sq
Shortquotes within the textflow. See chapter The Short Quote Tad.
- %xref
XReferecnces within the text or external references. See chapter Labels and References.
- %index
Again I can't explain this one. If you can, please mail.
- file
Again I can't explain this one (I only could guess about picture files in eps). If you can, please mail.
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