18.2. The ppp-on script

This is the first of a PAIR of scripts that actually fire up the connection.

# Script to initiate a PPP connection. This is the first part of the
# pair of scripts. This is not a secure pair of scripts as the codes
# are visible with the 'ps' command.  However, it is simple.
# These are the parameters. Change as needed.
TELEPHONE=555-1212      # The telephone number for the connection
ACCOUNT=george          # The account name for logon (as in 'George Burns')
PASSWORD=gracie         # The password for this account (and 'Gracie Allen')
LOCAL_IP=        # Local IP address if known. Dynamic =
REMOTE_IP=       # Remote IP address if desired. Normally
NETMASK=   # The proper netmask if needed
# Export them so that they will be available to 'ppp-on-dialer'
# This is the location of the script which dials the phone and logs
# in.  Please use the absolute file name as the $PATH variable is not
# used on the connect option.  (To do so on a 'root' account would be
# a security hole so don't ask.)
# Initiate the connection
exec /usr/sbin/pppd debug /dev/ttySx 38400 \
        $LOCAL_IP:$REMOTE_IP \
        connect $DIALER_SCRIPT

Here is the ppp-on-dialer script:-

# This is part 2 of the ppp-on script. It will perform the connection
# protocol for the desired connection.
/usr/sbin/chat -v                                                 \
        TIMEOUT         3                               \
        ABORT           '\nBUSY\r'                      \
        ABORT           '\nNO ANSWER\r'                 \
        ABORT           '\nRINGING\r\n\r\nRINGING\r'    \
        ''              \rAT                            \
        'OK-+++\c-OK'   ATH0                            \
        TIMEOUT         30                              \
        OK              ATDT$TELEPHONE                  \
        CONNECT         ''                              \
        ogin:--ogin:    $ACCOUNT                        \
        assword:        $PASSWORD

For PPP-2.2, the ppp-off script looks like:-

# Determine the device to be terminated.
if [ "$1" = "" ]; then

# If the ppp0 pid file is present then the program is running. Stop it.
if [ -r /var/run/$DEVICE.pid ]; then
        kill -INT `cat /var/run/$DEVICE.pid`
# If the kill did not work then there is no process running for this
# pid. It may also mean that the lock file will be left. You may wish
# to delete the lock file at the same time.
        if [ ! "$?" = "0" ]; then
                rm -f /var/run/$DEVICE.pid
                echo "ERROR: Removed stale pid file"
                exit 1
# Success. Let pppd clean up its own junk.
        echo "PPP link to $DEVICE terminated."
        exit 0
# The ppp process is not running for ppp0
echo "ERROR: PPP link is not active on $DEVICE"
exit 1

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