8.3. Thanks to the following supporters..
In Alphabetical order:
Gabriel Beitler, gabrielb@voicenet.com on providing section 3.3.8 (setting up Novell)
Juan Jose Ciarlante, irriga@impsat1.com.ar for contributing his work on the IPMASQADM port forward tool, the 2.1.x and 2.2.x kernel code, and the original LooseUDP patch, etc.
Steven Clarke, steven@monmouth.demon.co.uk for contributing his IPPORTFW IP port forwarder tool
Andrew Deryabin, djsf@usa.net for contributing his ICQ MASQ module
Ed Doolittle, dolittle@math.toronto.edu for suggestions to -V option in theipfwadm command for improved security
Matthew Driver, mdriver@cfmeu.asn.au for helping extensively on this HOWTO, and providing section 3.3.1 (setting up Windows 95)
Ken Eves, ken@eves.com for the FAQ that provides invaluable information for this HOWTO
John Hardin, jhardin@impsec.org for his PPTP and IPSEC forwarding tools
Glenn Lamb, mumford@netcom.com for the LooseUDP patch
Ed. Lott, edlott@neosoft.com for a long list of tested system and software
Nigel Metheringham, Nigel.Metheringham@theplanet.net for contributing his version of the IP Packet Filtering and IP Masquerading HOWTO, which makes this HOWTO a better and in-depth technical document section 4.1, 4.2, and others
Keith Owens, kaos@ocs.com.au for providing an excellent guide on ipfwadm section 4.2 on correction to ipfwadm -deny option which avoids a security hole, and clarified the status of ping over IP Masquerade
Michael Owings, mikey@swampgas.com for providing the section about CU-SeeMe and Linux IP-Masquerade Teeny How-To
Rob Pelkey, rpelkey@abacus.bates.edu for providing section 3.3.6 and 3.3.7 (setting up MacTCP and Open Transport)
Harish Pillay, h.pillay@ieee.org for providing section 4.5 (dial-on-demand using Diald)
Mark Purcell, purcell@rmcs.cranfield.ac.uk for providing section 4.6 (IPautofw)
David Ranch, dranch@trinnet.net for maintaining the HOWTO, helping with the Linux IP Masquerade Resource Page, the TrinityOS document, ..., too many to list here :-)
Paul Russell, rusty@linuxcare.com.au for all his work on IPTABLES, IPCHAINS, the IP Masquerade kernel patches in general, etc. The man is a IP NATing fool!
Ueli Rutishauser, rutish@ibm.neton providing section 3.3.9 (setting up OS/2 Warp)
Steve Grevemeyer, grevemes@tsmservices.com for taking over the IP Masq Applications page from Lee Nevo and updating it to a full DB backend.
Fred Viles, fv@episupport.com for his patches on proper port forarding of FTP.
John B. (Brent) Williams, forerunner@mercury.net on providing section 3.3.7 (setting up Open Transport)
Enrique Pessoa Xavier, enrique@labma.ufrj.bron the BOOTp setup suggestion
All the users on the IP-MASQ email list, masq@indyramp.com for their help and support for all the new Linux MASQ users.
Other code and documentation developers of IP Masquerade for this great feature
Delian Delchev, delian@wfpa.acad.bg
David DeSimone (FuzzyFox), fox@dallas.net
Jeanette Pauline Middelink, middelin@polyware.iaf.nl
Miquel van Smoorenburg, miquels@q.cistron.nl
Jos Vos, jos@xos.nl
And others who I may have failed to mention here (please let me know)
All users sending feedback and suggestions to the mailing list, especially those who reported errors in the document and the clients who are supported and not supported
We apologize if we have omitted any important names, not included information that some fellow users have sent us yet, etc. There were many suggestions and ideas sent but there wasn't enough time to verify and integrate these changes. David Ranch is constantly trying his best to incorporate all of the information sent to me into the HOWTO. I thank you for the effort, and I hope you understand our situation.